Friday, June 21, 2013

The Beginning: Setting Goals.

With the Impulse season starting up, the team sat down to set some season goals. These goals were something we could work towards throughout the summer, giving us a reason to suffer through all of the pre-practice Tabatas and track workouts. To reach our Outcome Goal of becoming national champions, we set a few process goals to help us along the way. First off, we want be the best conditioned team in the country.  To get there, we decided to have two track workouts a week, along with pre-practice Tabata workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our next process goal is to be focused. Being focused was a problem from last year’s Impulse team, so this year we will adjust and improve. Focus will allow us to get more out of every practice, scrimmage, and tournament allowing us to reach our potential. Our last process goal is respect. Respect for our ourselves, our teammates, and our opponents. Respecting our teammates and ourselves is a key element for any team; without chemistry between players, we can never play at our full potential. Respecting our opponents not only puts the notorious Pittsburgh Ultimate under a better light, but it also allows us to understand the opposing teams. Understanding teams is by far the best way to counter their strategies, and take home the national title.
These process goals are what the 2013 Impulse squad will be working for all season long. Conditioning, focus, and respect will lead us to where no other Pittsburgh YCCs team has been before: to a national championship title.